10 Healthy Road Trip Snacks!

10 Healthy Road Trip Snacks!monIt can be tempting to purchase junk food at gas stations, or hit the drive-thru, but we all know those aren’t the best options for our body. Here is a list of my favorite road trip snacks, and the ones I will be bringing when we leave for DC today. These are much more nutritious options, they are lower in calories, and will last for quite a while in the car.

1. Dried fruits.

Last night I cut up a banana and arranged some canned organic pineapple in my dehydrator. It is so easy to make your own dried fruits. Most store bought fruits (especially those from a gas station) have added oils and sugar. If you own a dehydrator it is easy to plan ahead, just set out your fruits on the trays the night before and by the time you leave they will be ready to bag up! If you are drying fruit at home the quickest route is to buy canned fruits, just make sure they are not canned in high fructose corn syrup, sugar water, or anything with added sugars. Look for cans with only fruit as the ingredient, or fruit and water.

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2. Nuts!
I love nuts, they are also very convenient to pack. Walnuts, peanuts, cashews, and pistachios are high in monounsaturated fats. Almonds are also a great source of protein. You can easily make a homemade trail mix with your dried fruits, some nuts, and maybe a bit of dark chocolate. Much better than the trail mixes at rest stops with long lists of unnecessary ingredients.



3. Greek Yogurt. Individual sized yogurt, especially the greek variety, is awesome to take on a road trip. It is low calorie, and very high in protein. Just make sure the flavor you buy doesn’t have too much sugar. Look for below 18 grams per 8oz serving.

4. Celery and Laughing Cow. I used to eat celery with cream cheese when I was younger, but laughing cow is a wonderful alternative to high fat and calorie cream cheese. One wedge of low-fat swiss has only 35 calories. You could try experimenting with other flavors as well, the cinnamon swirl cream cheese spread from laughing cow is delicious with celery and some raisins on top. You could also spread on some homemade peanut butter.

5. Cucumbers and Carrots. Sometimes being in the car just makes you want to eat, even though you may not actually be hungry. Cut up carrots and cucumbers are perfect low calorie snack to munch on instead of a bag of chips.

6. Air-Popped Pop Corn. Also a great snack to prepare the night before. Air popcorn is very low calorie and can satisfy a salty craving. I like to top mine with parmesan cheese and a little sea salt. There a million different flavors you can experiment with!

7. Get up and Go Bars! P1090016 EditedThey will last out of the freezer for a bit without getting mushy. Larabars are also a great alternative. Most granola bars along the road will have unwanted ingredients, so look out! Granola bars are always a better option than candy bars!

8. Cheese and crackers. Whole wheat crackers, like these homemade ones, or some bought from the store are great for a long trip. I like triscuits, they only have three simple ingredients! Pair with any cheese you like!

9. Grapes! Easy Peasy, hmm speaking of peasy I guess you could bring peas…anyway, grapes are very portable. I like to freeze them, they last longer and taste delicious! You can even use the bag as sort of a travel ice pack for your yogurt and cheese.

10. Applesauce. Could get a little messy, but still usually a good bet. The individual sized packs are great for road trips, just watch out for added sugar or coloring. The only ingredient should be apples!

If you run out of snacks or don’t have time to prepare some to bring, some of the above options may be available at a rest stop. Just make sure you read labels! Things that appear healthy can have hidden ingredients, added sugar or sodium. Whole foods like fruits and vegetables are sometimes sold at  stops and are great options for a road trip. Also, make sure you keep hydrated by bringing water! Sugary drinks and soda are not good options. Here is the abbreviated version!

PicMonkey CollageHope this helps, enjoy your trip!

What is your favorite road trip food?!